Specific Requirements:
- No longer than three pages.
- At least 10-point font.
- At least .75-inch margins on all four sides.
- Must be submitted in PDF format.
- All submitted work must be the original work of the members of the business (entrepreneurs and/or mentors).
- Any submission that does not meet these requirements will be lose points from the Executive Summary component.
The submitted Executive Summary must cover the following general aspects of the business:
- Market Opportunity: Show the local market needs or how the business is different from others in the market.
- Business Model: Discuss how the model works for your business and the model in which you will sell the product.
- Management Capability: Discuss your experience or background in creating your product or providing your service. How did you learn this skill. If in a team, include who does want in managing the business/product production.
- Product/Service Offering: Discuss your product/service how it's made or where the components come from and how you get them. As well as pricing, cost of goods, and other financials.
Please review the Executive Summary Rubric for full judging criteria.
Templates & Examples