Cowley First is excited to announce the Cowley County Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge 2023-2024! This entrepreneurship competition is open to area students and will be a three-part competition with an Executive Summary, Formal Presentation, and Tradeshow.
Prize information: YEC Flyer editable 2023-2024.pdf 300.08 KB Parking instructions are as follows: Students, Mentors, and Judges are welcome to park in Keyhole Drive, additional parking can be found on the corner at North College and Fowler Ave.
Included is a map of Southwestern Campus this event will be held in the Deets Library highlighted on the map as building 3. SC Campus Map.pdf 646.36 KB
Schedule and key dates
8:00AM Students arrive to set up tradeshow/Judges arrive for debrief 8:10AM Competition Begins! 8:15AM Tradeshow/Formal Presentations 10:00AM Final Judge Review & Score Submission 10:15AM Speaker Presentation 12:00AM LUNCH 12:30PM Awards Ceremony 1:00PM Conclude
Organized by
Cowley First
Date and time
Address and location
Southwestern College Deets Library
100 College St
Winfield, KS 67156
Executive Summary
The Executive Summary is a written business summary, in PDF format, including de...