Second round submissions consist of a Lean Canvas and a pitch deck. Detailed submission guidance for each component is included below. Submissions should be uploaded as PDF attachments.
Lean Canvas: Submissions may use the linked Lean Canvas template (fillable) OR be placed into a document with the appropriate headings. Judges will be reviewing for the following:
- Completion of all Lean Canvas components
- Demonstration of understanding of the Lean Canvas components
- Demonstrated logic for each of the Lean Canvas components
- Professionalism (free of spelling/grammatical errors)
To help students prepare their Lean Canvas submissions, review the following resources:
- Title slide with logo
- Individual or team introduction
- Business description slide with business name and brief description of features
- Problem/Solution/Opportunity slide
- Target customer slide
- Financial "ask"
Note: Take advantage of Canva and other presentation tools and resources to design visibly appealing slides that showcase your idea and brand. Judges will be reviewing for content + design. To help prepare your slides:
Additional live workshops for semi-final preparation will be sent via VentureDash announcements. Incomplete applications missing information will not be reviewed.