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2024 Kansas Entrepreneurship Challenge

Live Mock Board Room Rubric


Thank you for agreeing to judge 2024 Kansas Entrepreneurship Challenge!

Please score each section and provide constructive feedback. Students will be given access to scores and comments after the competition concludes.

Thank you for your time and commitment to this competition!


Choose a score, from 1 (worst) to 5 (best), for each of the following.

Marketing: Market research done to identify target market, plan to reach market, potential growth, competition, promotion/advertising, pricing strategy, etc.
Presentation: Poise, confidence, comprehension, quality and relevance of slides, ability to answer judge questions, proper attire, captures attention, within time limits, etc.
Realistic – answers were feasible, realistic and aligned with company’s means.
Justification – ample justification given using quality data, analysis, and critical thinking.
Specificity – responses were specific, detailed, and action-oriented.
Originality – solutions were creative and original.
Professional - student demonstrated themselves in a professional manner.
Knowledge - Student was knowledgeable about their business and answered questions as such.
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