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Cowley County Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge 2023-2024

Tradeshow Rubric


Judge at a high school level. Enjoy!


Choose a score, from 1 (worst) to 5 (best), for each of the following.

Business Overview: Student(s) can explain the business, understands key roles/structure, relevant experience or knowledge, basic idea of business structure, product/service offered, location, timeline, funding needed, etc.
Business Description: What product or service will you provide, where will your business exist, when will it happen, what funds will you need, etc.
Marketing: Market research including target market, how will you reach your market, potential growth, competition, promotion and advertising, pricing strategy.
Presentation: Poise, confidence, comprehension, quality and relevance of slides, ability to answer judge questions, proper attire, captures attention, within time limits, etc.
Booth Display: Creative, neat, easy to understand, relates to the business, engages judges, etc.
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