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2022 Norton County Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge

Tradeshow Rubric


Choose a score, from 1 (worst) to 5 (best), for each of the following.

Business Overview: Explains business, team and key roles, relevant experience, intended legal structure, product/service offered, location, timeline, funding needed, etc.
Marketing: Market research done to identify target market, plan to reach market, potential growth, competition, promotion/advertising, pricing strategy, etc.
Presentation: Poise, confidence, comprehension, quality and relevance of slides, ability to answer judge questions, proper attire, captures attention, within time limits, etc.
Booth Display: Creative, neat, easy to understand, relates to the business, engages judges, etc.
Booth Appeal: Does it draw you in to want to know more about this Entrepreneur, Product or Service? Does the booth on its own help you understand the nature of the business, product and/or service?
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