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Thomas County Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge

Executive Summary Rubric


Please look at the guiding questions for each of the categories to judge that portion of the business plan.


Choose a score, from 1 (worst) to 5 (best), for each of the following.

Business Description: * Product or service? * Benefit to customers? * Location? * Overall summary of your business.
Competition: *Who is your competition? *What do they sell or service? *Location? *Competitors' pricing? *How is your service / product different from your competition?
Management: *Team members / responsibilities. *What education, experience, and talents do they bring to the team? *What are anticipated personnel needs now and in the future?
Market: *What methods will you use to advertise? *Will you have a specific brand or slogan? *Is there a demand for your type of business?
Finance: * Financial Statement and explanation are provided showing a 3 year projected income.
Is this a viable business?
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