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ESTEAM Pitch Series - Big Sandy CTC

Round 1: Business Canvas Rubric


Choose a score, from 1 (worst) to 5 (best), for each of the following.

Customer: The submission clearly describes their target audience. (This should not be everyone.)
Problem: The submission clearly defines the problem their customer is trying to solve.
Alternatives: The submission clearly defines the competitors/alternatives that are currently solving the problem.
Solution: The submission clearly defines their solution to the customer problem as a product/service.
Benefit: a clear benefit to the customer that describes how the solution solves their problem.
Advantage: What gives them the edge over the alternatives? Why is their idea the best to do this?
Message: What is their story, and how do they plan to tell it to their customer?
Distribution: How do they plan to get their product/service to their customer?
Revenue: How do they plan to make money?
Startup Needs: What one-time needs or costs do they have to get started?
Costs: What ongoing costs are essential to keep them going?
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