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Round 2: Live Pitch

View rubric
The Live Pitch is a 5-minute presentation where each business will share details of its product or service with a panel of judges, followed by a 3-minute Q&A with the panel.
Guidelines & information
  • A maximum of 5 minutes will be allowed for each business presentation. If a pitch exceeds 5 minutes they will be deducted 2 points in final scores.
  • Timing begins when the presenter begins speaking.
  • There is no minimum or maximum number of entrepreneurs that can present.
  • Immediately following the presentation, businesses will enter a 3-minute Q&A round where judges will ask questions.
  • Others in attendance are not permitted to ask questions or to comment.
  • Entrepreneurs are permitted to utilize visual aids during their presentation and or physical prototypes.
  • No profanity, vulgarity, or discriminatory language will be accepted. 

Please review the Live Pitch Rubric for full judging criteria.