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2024-2025 Osborne County Youth Entrepreunership Challenge

Formal Presentation Rubric


Thank you for your time and dedication to evaluating the student formal presentations. As you review each submission, we ask that you maintain fairness and consistency across all students to ensure a level playing field. While providing your assessments, please offer constructive feedback that highlights both strengths and areas for improvement. Encouraging these young entrepreneurs through positive, actionable insights will help them grow and refine their ideas. Your thoughtful feedback is invaluable in helping students develop their skills and confidence as they move forward in their entrepreneurial journeys. Thank you for your efforts in making this experience meaningful for all participants.


Choose a score, from 1 (worst) to 5 (best), for each of the following.

Business Overview: Explains business, team and key roles, relevant experience, intended legal structure, product/service offered, location, timeline, funding needed, etc.
Product/Service Offering: Customer focused solution with a clear value proposition. The business explains their product or service clearly and accurately. If applicable, a sample or prototype is shown.
Financials: Accurately projected financial requirements, cash flow, income, etc. Business understands costs, overhead, break-even and other key financial indicators.
Marketing: Market research done to identify target market, plan to reach market, potential growth, competition, promotion/advertising, pricing strategy, etc.
Presentation: Poise, confidence, comprehension, quality and relevance of slides, ability to answer judge questions, proper attire, captures attention, within time limits, etc.
Investable: The likelihood that you would invest in this business.
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