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2024-2025 Osborne County Youth Entrepreunership Challenge

Executive Summary Rubric


Thank you for your time and dedication to evaluating the student executive summaries. As you review each submission, we ask that you maintain fairness and consistency across all students to ensure a level playing field. While providing your assessments, please offer constructive feedback that highlights both strengths and areas for improvement. Encouraging these young entrepreneurs through positive, actionable insights will help them grow and refine their ideas. Your thoughtful feedback is invaluable in helping students develop their skills and confidence as they move forward in their entrepreneurial journeys. Thank you for your efforts in making this experience meaningful for all participants.


Choose a score, from 1 (worst) to 5 (best), for each of the following.

Market Opportunity: Sizeable market need presented, with the ability and plan to capture it.
Business Model: Company has a viable plan to grow a profitable business.
Management Capability: Founder/team demonstrates the ability to effectively grow the company.
Product/Service Offering: Customer focused solution with a clear value proposition.
Written Paper: Demonstrating proper grammar, punctuation, spelling and format.
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