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2025 IgniteWV - Round 1: Main Street

Required 90-second (maximum) pitch & optional supplemental documentation Rubric




Choose a score, from 1 (worst) to 5 (best), for each of the following.

Business Idea: Did the video include the business idea? Do they describe the idea? (Description of idea: product, service, or invention)
Value Proposition: Did the video identify a problem and offer a solution to the problem?
Customer: Did the video state/address a customer?
Prototype: Did the video include a prototype, a picture of the prototype, or identify means of business (for example: building or website)?
Video Quality: Is the video clear in effectively communicating the idea?
Sound/Audio Quality: Is the sound/audio clear and effectively communicating the idea?
Overall: Should this idea move to the final round of the competition?
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