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Koch Innovation Challenge 2024

Live Elevator Pitch on 5/3/24 Rubric


These are first-year students just learning about how to give an elevator pitch. They will likely not become entrepreneurs or venture capitalists, but your feedback will help them learn how to apply this in the real world. They can take this entrepreneurial mindset with them no matter what industry they work in!

In the comment box at the bottom of the scoring sheet, please provide feedback in the following two areas:

1. List 2 strengths of this live elevator pitch.
2. Give 1 suggestion to strengthen the team's pitch.


Choose a score, from 1 (worst) to 5 (best), for each of the following.

Performance: Appearance, confidence, posture, speaks slowly. Captures attention, persuasive. Within time limit.
Content: Tells a story to explain a need and how their product provides value to the customer. Includes business info. Bonus if team mentions regulatory requirements and/or intellectual property strategy.
Prototype: Gives brief demonstration of their solution. Clear about why their solution is the best solution to the problem.
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