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Shawnee County YEC

Business Pitch Rubric


Thank you for agreeing to judge these youth submissions. We hope that you can provide some constructive feedback for these youth to grow and improve through this competition. We would appreciate specific suggestions where they can improve as well as what you see they are doing well. The students rely on the judges to make this a learning experience. We want to make sure the students have a positive experience while getting ways they can improve and grow.


Choose a score, from 1 (worst) to 5 (best), for each of the following.

Performance: Appearance, confidence, posture, speaks slowly.
Presentation: Clear, concise, understandable.
Expectations: States goals of business, captures attention, persuasive, realistic.
Quality: Includes all necessary points, makes plan clear, appropriate time length.
Ability to answer questions relating to information in their Pitch
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