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Clay County 2024 YEC Competition

Tradeshow Rubric


The Team has 3 minutes to pitch their idea to the judges. Please include comments to help the business improve.


Choose a score, from 1 (worst) to 5 (best), for each of the following.

Business Overview: Explains business, team and key roles, relevant experience, intended legal structure, product/service offered, location, timeline, funding needed, etc.
Market Opportunity - Has the business identified a problem or a need? Has research determined there is a sizeable market to support the business for success? Or are there already existing businesses that are meeting consumer needs?
Business Viability - Has the business shown they have realistic plan to grow a viable and profitable business? Is there a strong management team, reasonable assumptions and projections, and a strong marketing strategy? Or does the plan seem unrealistic?
Booth Display - Is the booth creative, neat, easy-to-understand, relates to the business, and engages judges and customers? Or is the booth uninteresting, have spelling errors, and doesn’t present the product or service in a positive light?
Salesmanship - Did the team portray their business in a way to attract their target market and/or customers? Did the team demonstrate confidence in their product or service? Or did the team struggle with salesmanship?
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