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2024 Mitchell County YEC

Executive Summary Rubric


Participants were required to use a specific template. You should have a very clear visual of the product or service being offered just from reading the executive summary.


Choose a score, from 1 (worst) to 5 (best), for each of the following.

Market Opportunity: Sizeable market need presented, with the ability and plan to capture it. Competition is addressed.
Business Model: Company has a viable plan to grow a profitable business. At a minimum, a high-level overview of financials is included, like start-up costs and estimated revenue.
Product/Service Offering: Customer focused solution with a clear value proposition. Overall description of the product/service being offered is clear.
Formatting: Overall grammar and punctuation are correct. The summary is easy to follow, clear and concise. Provided template was used.
Investable: The likelihood that you would invest in this business.
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