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IGNITE Rural Business

Semi Finals Presentation Rubric


Choose a score, from 1 (worst) to 5 (best), for each of the following.

Clarity of Business Concept Clear articulation of the business idea and value proposition. Explanation of the problem being solved and the solution provided.
Market Understanding Insight into the target market and customer needs. Evidence of market research and understanding of market size and dynamics.
Business Model and Plan Coherence and feasibility of the business model. Detailed plan for revenue generation, cost structure, and financial projections.
Implementation Strategy Clear outline of the steps to launch or scale the business. Timeline and milestones for achieving key objectives.
Presentation Quality Effectiveness of the presentation style and delivery. Use of visual aids and multimedia to enhance understanding.
Team Capability Demonstration of the team’s skills, experience, and readiness to execute the plan. Evidence of commitment and relevant expertise.
Answering Questions Ability to respond confidently and effectively to questions from judges. Demonstration of deep knowledge and preparedness.
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