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Business Plan

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The business plan is your opportunity to explain your businesses further objectives and strategies for achieving them. This should include any market survey and statistics compiled as well as the businesses forecasted sales and financial projections. Lastly, this should include the businesses startup timeline.
Guidelines & information
Please submit in PDF format.
The business plan should include:
  1. Explanation and strategy for your business
  2. Market survey and/or statistics supporting the need for your business
  3. Forecasted sales and financial projections
  4. Timeline for startup

Resources and examples can be found back at the IGNITE webpage:

Specific Requirements:

  • No longer than five pages.
  • At least 10-point font.
  • At least .75-inch margins on all four sides.
  • Must be submitted in PDF format.
  • All submitted work must be the original work of the members of the business (entrepreneurs and/or mentors).
  • Any submission that does not meet these requirements will be disqualified from the Business Plan component.
Submission deadline
Sep 30, 2024 11:59 PM CDT
Judging deadline
Aug 2, 2024 11:59 PM CDT