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Spark WV

Semi-Finals: BMC + Pitch Deck Submission Rubric


Choose a score, from 1 (worst) to 5 (best), for each of the following.

BMC Completion: All components of the BMC are completed.
Value Proposition: The stated value proposition includes unique benefits and clearly connects to the customer segment. The value proposition does NOT include features of the idea.
Customer Segments: The BMC clearly defines a specific customer segment along with its defining characteristics. The customer segment is NOT everyone.
Customer Relationships: The BMC clearly defines how the business plans to reach its customers and the proposed methods align with the customer segment.
Channels: The BMC clearly defines how customers will purchase the product and the proposed channel aligns with the customer segment.
Key activities: The BMC clearly defines key activities that are required for the business idea.
Key resources: The BMC clearly defines key resources necessary to carry out key activities.
Key partnerships: The BMC clearly defines key partnerships necessary to carry out key activities and secure key resources.
Revenue Streams: The BMC includes at least one viable revenue stream and a description of anticipated pricing.
Cost Structure: The BMC includes logical estimated costs associated with the business, including startup, operational, and Cost of Goods Sold (COGs) estimates.
Quality: The BMC is free of spelling and grammatical errors.
Pitch Deck Design: The pitch deck design is appealing and aesthetically pleasing.
Pitch Deck Components: The pitch deck includes all of the required components (title slide, team slide, business description, customer, ask).
Pitch Deck Quality: The pitch deck is free of spelling and grammatical errors.
Bonus Points: Judges may award up to five bonus points for submissions they feel are exceptional.
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