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Nebraska Governor's New Venture Competition

Pitch Deck Rubric


*Look for the ventures that provide the greatest economic impact in Nebraska and those that will come to fruition.
*Identify what ventures could really use the seed money- rather than it just being another $25k to add to a larger pot.
*How will the new venture be transformative? For whom?
*Traction is preferred over the idea itself. Look at what has been done, ideas themselves are somewhat subjective
*Always take the business idea over the presentation
*All things being equal, who is further along?


Choose a score, from 1 (worst) to 5 (best), for each of the following.

Product/Service Offering: Customer focused solution with a clear value proposition.
Market Opportunity: Sizeable market need presented, with the ability and plan to capture it.
Business Model: Company has a viable plan to grow a profitable business.
Management Capability: Founder/team demonstrates the ability to effectively grow the company.
The Team & Venture Viability: Does the team demonstrate the vision and leadership necessary to launch and operate this venture.
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