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Idaho Entrepreneur Challenge

Business application deadline
February 20, 2021
Judge sign-up deadline
March 22, 2021
Entry fee
Join this competition


The Idaho Entrepreneur Challenge (IEC) is a statewide entrepreneurship competition hosted by Boise State's Venture College, a program in the College of Innovation and Design. IEC helps develop and reward student entrepreneurs with promising ventures and small businesses. All full time college and university students from across Idaho are eligible to compete for money and services to advance their startups.

Schedule and key dates

This year's competition will be held on Wednesday March 31, 2021. It will be a virtual pitch competition held via Zoom. Your application must be received before Saturday February 20, 2021 to be eligible for IEC.
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Organized by

Ryan Vasso

Date & time

Address and location


IEC Application

This application will be judged to determine if you are one of the 24 finalists.

Weight: 100%
Edit IEC Application